

This is men#039#s design jacket of pure silk satin embroiderd waves with a lot of gold thread#044#red and many other colores.
Design of waves is well used in UKIYOE and blue gradation is accented the entire.#038#nbsp#059#

Because base colore is beige #044# lapel and sleeves are solid #044#you can wear everyday and for presentation#044# party or theater.

Please note that this item is unused#044# But it has small stains on back left hem#044# right lapel and right elbow.

And left in-sleeve#044# right back#044# upper color and chest pocket are used face-side of fablic
and the other parts are used back-side of fabli#044# Base color and weave are different each other.

Therfore we offer reasonable price.

We apologize in advance for them#044# please be forewarned befor you place an order.

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