It is one very luxurious parasol which treated a dancer#039#s fan using the gilt thread to the base of the spotted pattern of the emerald green to hark back to the sea which cleared up here and there.
A gorgeous dancer#039#s fan using an orange and the red gilt thread shines in a refreshing color of the emerald green and is finished in a very younger feeling.
Of course it is the UV cut parasol which ultraviolet rays measures are enough for.
Small-sized folding fans are popular to see it by trains well#044# but a large-sized folding fans are just fresh in contrast with it recently.When in a train#044# it is support you.
Of course I think it to be that I am familiar with scenery because it is a color to harmonize naturally even if I go out.In addition#044# It change quickly to the UV cutting item#038#nbsp#059# at such time.
The handle is natural plain wood and the bone is silver.
The fabric is Japanese-made 100 silk.
It is finished with Ultra-violet blocking spray.