This is gorgeous traditional japanese pattern jacket jacquarded with a lot of gold thread.
This is thick#044# you can feel gorgeousness more.
Please try this traditional japanese pattern jacket in party and presentation#044# you can make an good impression on a person.
We recommend to add this KIMONO jacket in your wardrobe.
This is a japanese kawaii style shirt of silk jacquard on which colorful chrysanthemums.
Chrysanthemums with jaquard and chrysanthemums in print are effective each other.#038#nbsp#059##038#nbsp#059#
You can wear in many scanes because base color is cream.
You can wear this shirt in jacket everyday and you can wear on denim pants.
Please add this shirt in your wardrobe.
Please note that this item is unused#044# But it has small stains on left#038#nbsp#059#back and#038#nbsp#059#right sleeve#038#nbsp#059#and have sense of use due to remake.
We apologize in advance for them#044# please be forewarned befor you place an order.
This is men#039#s design shirt of viscose broad called fujiette #044#red and many other colores.
Design motif of handball called Temari is well used in Japanese traditional KIMONO .#038#nbsp#059#
And other motives are many japanese floweres in four seasons #044#cherry blossoms#044#chrysanthemums#044#peonies and maples.
and base colore is vivid#038#nbsp#059# vermilion.
This kimono shirt is making a strong impression on people.
Please try this kimono shirt at parties or theaters and sepcial days of you.